Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee

What is a Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee?

The purpose of this committee is to inform the public concerning the expenditures of bond revenues. To fulfill this responsibility, the oversight committee is to review and report on the proper expenditures and verify that the funds are being spent on authorized projects.

Who Can Serve?

Must live in district

Must be 18 years old

Must not be an employee or contractor of the district

How Do I Serve?

Submit an application to Tami McVey at the LHPUSD District Office.

The School Board must approve nominations.

Application (English)

Application - Coming 1-17 (Spanish)

Committee Bylaws

Bond Oversight Committee Required Activities

  • Prepare and publish an Annual Report

  • Hold meetings at least once a year

  • Receive and review annual performance and financial audits

  • Provide an annual compliance opinion

Composition of the Bond Oversight Committee

The Bond Oversight must have a minimum of 7 members representing the following 5 groups of citizens:

  • Active in a business organization located within the district

  • Active in a senior citizen's organization

  • Active in a bona fide taxpayer's organization

  • Parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the district

  • Parent or guardian of a child in the district AND active in a parent-teacher organization

  • 2 additional "at-large community" positions